Monday, May 10, 2010

Hiking South of Anchorage

This past weekend we went hiking on a trail somewhere south of Anchorage. I'm not sure exactly what trail it was, because there are so many in that area, but it was a beautiful trail, and a beautiful day! We were originally going to go hiking at McHugh Creek, but it was so completely packed that people were parking along the side of the highway.

Pretty little mini-waterfall we saw along the way.

Kino sure had a ton of fun on the trip. We have to take the dogs for trips more often I think!

Dash and I standing on the side of the mountain. It seemed like we were so close to the top!!

We had beautiful view on the trail, I just love the mountains here! It was pretty nice out too, sunny, warm...ish (about 60 wind although warm enough to not wear my hoodie!) I love summer days like this, I hope the whole summer stays nice!

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