Thursday, February 3, 2011

New Year, New Goals.

Well, when I started this, last year, I was pretty sure I would be able to keep up on it for a while. That sure didn't last. Well, it's relatively still new in the year, so I'm going to try this again. It is an awkward time for me to start over, especially this week, with all the tests needing to be taken and papers needing to be written, but I need to take a short break from those.
My goals for this new year are pretty simple:

1) Continue doing well in school

2) Run a marathon.

Only two goals? Well I sure can handle that right?! Except that these three classes I am taking are severely kicking my ass, and also taking up all the time I need to run and prepare for the marathon in August...well, maybe I'll do great anyway. It would sure be nice.

I got into running last summer, my friend Thai and I began a running regiment along the bike trail behind my house. We ran at least three times a week, maybe more, and by the time summer was over we could easily run more than a mile without stopping or getting too winded. It was fantastic! And we had taken a lot of time to get there! Now that winter has come and classes are starting to get more involved, I'm sliding back into barely being able to run at all. I have a treadmill here at home, so the only excuse I have to not practice is I don't have enough time. It is a lame excuse when I think about it.

My classes I am taking this semester are Human Anatomy & Physiology (Lecture and Lab) Introduction to Biology and College Algebra I. So far, so good, but it is only the third week of classes so I still have a long ways to go.

Hopefully I can do this...

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