Friday, May 9, 2014

Nerium - An Honest Review: Day 10

Well, I had forgot to make the post on actual Day 10, which was 3 days ago, but I did remember to take pictures! I didn't see much of a change at all between Day 6 and 10.  I will be purchasing 1 bottle of this extremely expensive product, because I would like to go for the whole 30 days and see how my skin ends up.
On days 1-6 I started getting strange breakouts around my jawline and cheeks, almost like a rash.  I'm not sure if this is allergies from the weather change we recently had, or if the nerium played a part. Day 6 started out with pretty clear skin. I was surprised hat the rashy breakout disappeared almost overnight. By day 10 my skin had cleared up much more, but my wrinkles around my eyes hadn't changed much. 
I will be picking up my bottle today, and I will post again on Day 15 or 16. The photo below is Day 0 on the left and Day 10 on the right. 

I also want to add that although I didn't see a large change in my skin, yesterday I had dinner with a friend who I hadn't seen in person for the last 2 weeks (finals time, yay...) and she commented that my skin looked amazing and wanted to know what I was doing. She did not know that I had been using the NeriumAD, and said "well whatever it is, it's working!" 

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Nerium - An Honest Review (Part 1)

*** Note!!! I am NOT a Nerium brand partner and I do not plan on becoming one!!!! *** has really been a while since I've updated my blog! I have a new product review I am working on to post.  Recently a friend of mine began selling NeriumAD.  What is NeriumAD?  It's a skin cream.  And a pyramid marketing plan.  Nerium's second listed ingrediant is Nerium Oleander, a plant that is highly toxic to humans if consumed.  Apparently Nerium Oleandar has been having a few breakthroughs in the scientific world lately, and this skin cream is one of the products of it.

Despite hearing many bad things about Nerium, I had also heard just as many great things about it.  I was not sure if the great things may have been said by other brand partners in an attempt to try to get others to buy the product or if it really does great things to your skin.  So I messaged my friend and said "Sure, I will try your product for a little bit and see how it makes my skin look."  Right away she messaged me and said she would drop by the night cream and day cream with the instructions so I could begin the 10 day trial period.  Right now, I am on day 6.  Do I like it? I'm not sure.  My skin is, actually, the softest it has ever felt.  However it seems to be causing my jawline to break out in deep red purple zits.  I went through a similar experience when I started Alpha Hydroxy lotion on my skin, and when my skin finally cleared up, it was AMAZING (although I still had those pesky fine lines and wrinkles!) Maybe Nerium will be the same.  Once my skin gets used to the product and clears up, maybe my skin will be beautifully flawless and wrinkle free. (ha ha!)  Well, here's hoping.

So here is my Day 6 picture.  The left side is the first day I started it, before I applied anything. The right was this morning.  I've had a few people say that it looks like there is a big difference in my undereye wrinkles and crows feet.  I suppose I can see it a little bit.  I'll take another one on Day 10 and see what it's like then.