Saturday, April 4, 2015

And now....April!

We're 4 months into 2015!  I'm sitting here, drinking wine and strawberries after another successful pole fitness class.  We're working on handstands now, and it is tough work! March was an incredible month.  Besides going by in the blink of an eye, we put an offer in on a house in town, and it was accepted!  The house is actually a foreclosure, and we still have to go through the property inspection and appraisal.  I really hope it passes the FHA appraisal.  It's all I have been thinking about!  It is a beautiful house on an extremely nice lot, and it is in Anchorage!  It is wonderful, and seems perfect.  Although I am excited about the idea of moving into a big place with a big yard for the pups to run around in, I love my condo and I will miss it.  It is tiny but cozy and also perfect, although no yard.  The plan is to keep the condo and rent it out.  I love the part of town we are in now and the size of the condo was perfect for starting.  We have so many memories here!

Another thing I have been thinking about a lot is the people, (possibly family?) that lived in the house we are trying to buy, before it was a foreclosure.  I don't know where they are now, but I hope they are doing okay.  It seemed like they had a lot of plans and dreams for the house.  I look at the house and the yard, and I have a lot of plans and dreams for it, and it isn't even my house!

In February, we finished the remodel of our condo's kitchen.  It looks absolutely amazing now compared to how it used to look.  It is so beautiful and bright now, and the new white cabinets really made it feel more open and bigger.  We also got a new fridge (our old fridge was breaking), and I love it!  I almost want to take it with us if we get this new house, and replace it with a cheap one!  I love this new fridge.

I hope next week we hear back from the bank so we can sign the Purchase Agreement on this property.  I want to get the property inspection and appraisal out of the way so I can sleep more soundly at night.  And I suppose if the house ends up failing the FHA appraisal...maybe I will just splurge on the our Christmas vacation early.  I am praying that it passes the appraisal though, I am so worried.

Next week I also have an interview with our local Apple store, for a part time job.  Another exciting thing happening!  I LOVE Apple products (sorry not sorry), and I have since I was about 2 years old and I used to sit next to my dad while he worked on our old old old Apple II.  We have always had Apple computers while I was growing up, and now my house is full of Apple products.  I would love to work PT at the Apple store and learn more about their upcoming products and whatnot.  I am pretty nervous for the interview....I am terrible with interviews, and I hope it goes okay. :-/

I have been thinking a lot about traveling lately (as well as thinking about a million other things.  Why is my brain always wandering!)  I would love to go home again.   I always hope and pray that one day I can go again.  I would love to take Dash someone tropical.  Hawaii, the Caribbean, even Florida again....somewhere warm.  Dash wants to go to Greece and see Santorini.  That would be another wonderful place to go.  Traveling would be amazing.

Once again, nothing on my New Year's resolution list was accomplished.  Oh well!

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