Friday, April 8, 2011

April Already?

Well, I had really wanted to accomplish a weekly blog. Looks like monthly will be more my style. So far, since last month, I've somehow managed to dig myself into a deep hole, financially. I made a big payment to my overdue condo bills, had another large bill go through, which bounced my mortgage check, had my car broke down and needed to use the two credit cards I had JUST paid off to fix it, and had to take two of my animals to the vet. I'll be taking a third animal, my ferret Odin, to the vet tomorrow. Also, I just got a letter from some lawyer saying if I don't contact her about 500 dollars in late condo dues, she wants to send a foreclose lawsuit on my house? What? And I've been callig her every day and no one ever picks up the phone? How the he'll am I supposed to get into contact with her. What the hell happened in March? How did all of this shit fall on me at once?!? And everytime I think that this is the worst it can be, something else breaks, or another pet gets sick, or something else on my house breaks. I just wish paydays were not as few and far between.
In other news... I opened an Etsy store for my photography. Haven't sold any yet, but I only just opened it last weekend :-) it only has 6 pictures on it for now, but my computer has since died and I am not able to list any others. Come to think of it, I should put most of the pictures on hold until I can get my computer back.

Here is my store:

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