Wednesday, March 7, 2012


So, I've been on a pretty hardcore exercise regimen for the last six weeks.  Hardcore as in I got almost every day, unless I'm out of town, and take kickboxing and weight training classes twice a week in addition to running and regular workouts.  Okay, so maybe that's not *hardcore*, but for me, who went from doing nothing but sitting around this winter...that's hardcore.  :)  Problem is, I haven't lost
since I started.  How can this be? I'm on a strict two shake a day diet with a salad for dinner, while exercising my ass off!  So I started off being a completely lazy blob, stuffing my face all day with junk food, to eating much better and exercising and it might as well all be for nothing it feels like.  I'm literally hungry all the time now, and even after I treat  myself to a little snack like hummus, within the next half hour my stomach is growling LOUDLY.  Loud enough that people comment on it.  I just don't understand unless it is because of my birth control pills.  I'm on Jolivette, it's not the combination kind which I was on before, and when I went on this pill is when I started gaining weight.  I gained it fast, blew up 20 pounds since October, and I thought it was from me just being lazy around the house (which I'm sure didn't help).
I'll be going off of them soon, just as an experiment to see if that helps (because from what I've read online, I'm not the only one who has gained an excessive amount of weight in a short time on these damn non combination pills and then has trouble losing it.)
I thought I'd try my hand at intermittent fasting.  The idea is you fast one day a week and it helps the fat melt off faster and muscle build faster.  It's an interesting article that I linked to, very informative.  I wouldn't mind the IF either, as I used to be able to go pretty much a whole day without eating when I was busy and just forgot.  I absolutely hate that my stomach is always growling and hungry causing me to think about food every 10 minutes.  I just hate revolving my life around food when it was never that way before.
Even now, I just ate a nice big delicious salad about 20 minutes ago, and I feel starving.

Something's gotta start giving here.


  1. Girl, eat some more! It's not going to hurt you. You normally need around 2k calories a day not counting the extra calories needed for working out. You need lots of protein to help your muscles recover from the strength workouts. I have been on a very very similar regimen since September and my weight hasn't changed one bit but my physique has a lot.

    So don't worry about the weight. Muscle weighs more than fat, so don't be surprised if you even gain a few pounds with the added muscle. The important thing here is feeling and looking great. The scale could say I'm 200lbs but as long as I look like I weigh 120, my life is good.

    Happy workouts!


    1. I will try eating more! Around 2K calories? Probably in little meals throughout the day? One thing I have noticed (from the body pump class today) is that I don't need to do the knee pushups (what are those called, assisted push-ups?). I can actually do real pushups for the entire shoulder regimen. And planks are starting to not become a big deal. I will try to ignore the scale and just watch and see if my physique changes instead. :) Thanks for the tips!

      Happy workouts to you also!
