Saturday, October 22, 2011

Dear Alpha Hydrox

Dear Alpha Hydrox,
I think we can finally be friends.  It took a few weeks, but slowly things are starting to work out.

Ha ha, I had meat to write this blog post as a letter to the Alpha Hydrox products I've been using, but I ran out of steam.  My face is finally clearing up. And not just clearing up complexion wise, but everything is starting to smooth out, all the fine lines and wrinkles that I've been starting to develop over the last year or so.
So I've been using the products for about 2 weeks now, and I'm not going to lie, the first few weeks my face looked hideous.  It was red, blotchy, I had a rash of zits across my right cheek and forehead, but slowly my face got used to the products and it started calming down.  I even had a few people compliment my skin Friday and say how great it looked!  I had been keeping a really close eye on my smile lines, hoping I would start to see them fade a little bit, and as I was watching those, I didn't even really notice how it was effectively obliterating all the little lines and crow's feet around my eyes.  So needless to say, I am very happy with how my skin is looking lately.
I'll continue to use these products morning and night and report back in about a month to see if my skin keeps improving, or starts getting worse again.  If anyone stumbles upon this blog while browsing the internet for Alpha Hydrox, I definitely recommend it, although the first few weeks might be a little rough on the face.  Just stick with it!

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